
Admission Management

Admission management is one of the most important administrative tasks undertaken by school. Majority of schools this management is labor intensive and inefficient. When our module is used, it makes a web based procedure which is user friendly and helps to streamline the admission process.


Student Information

All academic elements and non-academic elements can be stored and tracked here. It allow the school to monitor student performance, fees payable , disciplinary actions and even medical history.


Examination Management

Examinations are hectic and tedious for the staff as well as students. This module helps teacher to create single or cumulative examination reports, questions banks, schedule examinations, analyze scores and create questions papers using the question bank.


Timetable Management

When timetables are created, educators have to take into account syllabus, optional subjects ,number of working hours and faculty availability. This module allows schools to design timetables taking all these parameters into consideration and helps save time and effort.


Fee Management

The module allows schools to keep track of present ,past and future fee billing and payments,  refunds, fee cancellation, conveyance payments, advance fee collection, exam fees, cafeteria payments and receipt printing. There is also a way to send reminder to parents about upcoming or late payments.


Payroll Management

It ensures all staff members are paid correctly and on time each month by taking into consideration their bonus and deductions. It can be customized to include  advance taken, basic pay, loans taken, bonuses,housing allowance , unpaid leave taken, gratuity and statutory deductions.


Staff Information

Easy to get information of the work force , issue ID cards, keep track of vacancies, schedule interviews, shortlist potential candidates, promotions and performance analyser.


Attendance Management

It allows school to track a students daily, weekly and monthly attendance and absenteeism. If  student is absent, an automatic alert can be sent to parents. It also allow schools to schedule holidays. The module can be integrated with a biometric scanners or student ID card to make attendance management and tracking easier.


Multi-user functionality

The solution provides the facility of usage by multiple members based on their roles, by logging in thus, avoiding overburdening. The entire staff and faculty of the school can manage, activities and modules assigned to them through their login.


Library Management

You can keep a track for all the books available in library as well as their issue and return.


Exam Data Record

You can manage all the exam details and can also create report of students from our school management software


Transport Detail Entry

Easy to keep a track on transport details for school management.

Why do businesses choose LOGINFOTECH?


Everything is designed, but some things are designed well.

  • Multi-user functionality
  • User-Interface
  • Customizable Modules and Plugins
  • Data security and Backup
  • Cost and energy saving
  • SMS and Email Integration
  • Online and On-site client support
  • Free Demonstration
  • Student Access
  • Parent Access
  • Teacher Access and Management
  • Online Student fee Statement view
  • Online Student Attendance view
  • Online Student Result view
  • Parent Mobile notifications
  • Student Announcements
  • Teachers Time Table
  • Exam Management